Wednesday, September 23, 2015

MC Raven Trip Report 14 - Shane's to Haines

Shane's to Haines

I left Shanes in North Pole in light drizzle. Was in and out of rain til south of Tok. Spent the night at the no fee campground in Northway. Heavy smoke from fires in Copper River Area.

Crossed back into Canada at Beaver Ceek where frequent roadwork  began. I fell in wiith a large group of Harley riders - slow over dirt sections, jumping from one side of the lane to the other to avoid rocks. Caused lots of dust and thrown pebbles to those of us behind. I was glad to be away from them by Kluane Lake!

Luxury accommodations on the south shore of Kluane Lake.

Stayed at campground south of Haines Junction then headed over the pass and down into Haines, AK. My headlight burned out in fog at the top of the pass.

Since I was staying at the campground by Fort Chilkoot I was able to go by the auto parts store and buy a repacement headlight bulb. Following the directions in the owners manual, I unscrewed the cover from the back of the headlight bucket and undid the retainer spring that holds the old bulb in place. The spring sprung and disappeared from this universe. I suspect a micro-black hole sucked it into another dimension. Anyway, to keep the new bulb in place, I stuffed the headlight bucket cap with toilet paper and replaced it. Considering how hot halogen bulbs get, I do have a little concern about fire.

I went to the library in town and via wifi found a replacement retainer spring for $17 plus shipping - all for something that looks like a paperclip that someone twisted into a funny shape during a boring staff meeting.

I caught the ferry to Juneau and arrived about a hour late ue to a delay at Skagway so, it was about 2230 by the time I got off the ship. I went right around the corner to the Auke Rec Campground. This being Juneau, it rained all night.


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