Wednesday, May 13, 2015

MC Raven Trip Report 5

Trip Log 5 Sparrowfoot Campground, Mo wrap-up
I’m going to start calling these Trip Logs rather than daily logs. What with taking multiple days off of riding, the Daily Log and days on the trip will soon get out of synch. Trip Logs on the other hand can encompass multiple days.
After 2-nights and 1 ½ days at Sparrowfoot, the rain never did let up for very long. I’ve decided to move on and try to find some sun. Before I leave Sparrowfoot though here’s some pics of my campsite (site A-4):

Eerie buy waaay cool. Here’s another angle:

I seem to be surrounded by skulls. This one I found behind my campsite:

Again, another angle:

Last pic – this guy just wandered across the road and through my site. Maybe he’s responsible for all the skulls.

So, even with the rain, Sparrowfoot Campground was a hoot. I also saw red birds (Cardinals I think), yellow/orange birds with gray wings (Orioles I think), Blue birds (Blue Jays I think) and da-da-dal-duh! A Turtle! What a trip this has been!
Downside – TICKS! I found one just inside my hairline on the back of my head and found another one walking up my knee. All night long I swear I could hear them walking around the tent trying to find a way in! I left in the morning.


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