Tuesday, May 12, 2015

MC Raven Ride Report 4

Day 4 Trip Log
258.6 Miles Today, 850.9 Miles Total
Sparrowfoot Campground, Central Missouri
Left Green Valley Campground early today, heading in to McD’s for breakfast and a weather update. Bad news all around: Weather Channel shows thunderstorms and Heavy Thunderstorms for most of the next week. Time to get out of here! Ah! There’s the problem. I seem to have developed an intermittent electrical problem with the bike. As I was heading into town, I noticed that the speedometer had stopped working – also the odometers (including trip odometers) so, the mileages shown above are off by about 3-miles. Also, I was getting a constant “Brake Failure” notice and flashing red triangle on the dashboard. Everything seemed to be working just fine though.
At McD’s I got online and checked the forums for help with this problem. Sure enough, the R11200GS forum had a thread with some clues. Most responders thought it was caused by low battery (or too high battery) voltage. Oops, I spent much of yesterday charging the Kindle using the power outlet on the bike. Did I cause this? Other people thought the problem was faulty ABS circuit or actuator since speedometer (odometer) and brakes all go through the ABS system. Finally, one responder told about another sites answers to this same problem (is this something that a lot of 2005-2007 GS owners have had?)
1.       Turn on the ignition key and listen for the actuator.
2.       Turn off the ignition and work the hand brake and foot brake levers several times
3.       Turn on the ignition and work the levers – do you hear the ‘click’?
Well, I did all these things and … It worked! The bad lights went off and the odometer/speedometer came back to life. Then, the very next time I stopped, a yellow triangle and a lightbulb appeared on the dash indicating that the rear brake light was faulty! This has happened before and, as soon as I stopped and turned the ignition on and off everything worked normally again.
This trip is the first time that Raven the Wonder Cycle has been outside in the weather since I’ve owned it and, two of the previous three nights it sat out in the rain. Maybe I need to invest in a cheap cover. Where would I store it? There’s not even enough room in the saddlebags for another pair of socks.
Riding through Iowa and the west side of Missouri has be great! The roads I’ve taken are a blend of hilly, twisty, small town and interstate highway. All interesting and full of stuff to look at. One small town there was a boy (around 9 or 10 years old) running across his front yard. His little dog was right at his heels, tongue lolling out having a great time. The kid was wearing cut off pants held up with suspenders, hair unruly and badly cut, a grin a mile wide as he leaped in the air and waved at me as I rode past. It was a living Norman Rockwell painting – only better for being real!
Was in and out of rain several times today. One time there was even some hail. The noise inside the helmet was like having your head inside a bell. My newly bought (another eBay purchase) rain suit worked great. Even at highway speeds I was dry. I finally took them off when the temps rose back to the 80’s + again today.
I’m declaring this a 2-night rest stop for me, my sore butt, and the bike. It should be an easy two day run from here to my mom’s place (or, a marathon 1-day run). So, finally, I can slow down and relax a bit. One thing I’ve seen is that, even sleeping on the ground on a self-inflating pad, I’m sleeping better here than I was at home in the weeks running up to my departure. The stress of emptying the house and getting it ready for rental kept me up much of the night. Now, Blissful Sleep!
Don’t wake me if you don’t have to.
David and Raven the Wonder Cycle
Seems the camera is acting up too! Today’s pics are nowhere to be found. Will have plenty in the next log I’m sure.


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