Monday, June 1, 2015

MC Raven Trip Report 10

MC Raven Trip Report 10
I woke up this morning in a place called “Deadman’s Basin.” Here’s some pics of the campsite and lake just as the sun was setting – just before the world erupted in a cataclysmic display of thunder and lightning.

I’m sure it’s “Deadman’s Basin” because the poor fellow as struck by lightning and died a horrible death! Was that going to happen to me? Guess not; I’m still here typing away. Let’s go back a few days to bring you up to date.

I left off the blog from the expensive motel room in Keystone. By Tuesday, I wasn’t feeling well after that weekend’s rain and storms. In fact, I was feeling so bad that I checked out of the motel and went down the mountain to the nearest Urgent Care clinic. Since you know me. You know just how badly I felt to make that happen. The doc there was also a motorcycle nut (rides several BMWs) and also an ex-Air Force (flight surgeon rather than intel). We spent more time chatting than diagnosing my illness. Most enjoyable doctor’s visit I’ve ever had. Diagnosis? Bronchitis. He prescribed me some antibiotics, cough syrup and, Advair inhaler.

One of those made me unable to breathe and the other kept me up all night, amped up and unable to sleep. So, I reduced my pills to only the antibiotics and am feeling much better.
After leaving the doc’s office, I rode to Sturgis, SD where I had the bike scheduled for warranty work on Friday. Was going to stay at the Bear Butte Campground but the rains had raised the level of the lake and saturated the ground so much that I didn’t feel like I wanted to stay there. So, back into town to the Day’s End RV Park. Good location, very friendly staff and, 1/3 the price of the Super 8 in Keystone!

Here’s some pics from my exploration of Sturgis:

Here you go Shane; we could move to Sturgis and open a biker bar! It’s even for sale! Unfortunately, the following is what’s right across the street:

Here’s some random Sturgis shots:

Our competition (where the Ghost Rider Statue is).

And yes Shane, I did manage to make it to the Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame. It really is a spectacular collection of bikes and bike memorabilia. 

I took the bike into the BMW shop on Friday at 9am for the “2-hours total” repair work. Since they’d be removing the rear wheel to do the brake flange warranty work, I thought I’d have them replace the tires with some that are more appropriate to the Alaska roads and camp trails I’d be driving. The 2-hours stretched into 5+ hours. I’m still very ill and barely able to go up and down the stairs from the waiting area. “There was a hitch.” They told me. On my bike, the fuel gauge doesn’t use a ‘strip’ to sense the fuel level (that was the most common solution to the fuel gauge gremlin I’ve been having). On my bike, the fuel gauge uses a float attached to an arm on the fuel pump. The ‘strip’ repair is covered under warranty. The arm/fuel pump repair would cost more than $500 for parts alone plus labor and is not covered under warranty. Since I’d just spent a significant amount for new tires, I decided to just live with the nonfunctional fuel gauge until I get to Fairbanks and have the time to let Northern Powersports or one of the local BMW guys work on it.

Final tally from my bike repair adventure:
-          -So far as I can tell, the brake/flange repair went well
-          -Fuel gauge gremlin still winning
-         - Oil and filter change poorly done. Found small puddle of oil under my bike next morning. Mechanic failed to properly tighten the filter. Leak deposited oil all over the under-surface portions of my engine and threw oil onto my brand new tires. I was forced to lay on my back in the gravel parking area and repair the leak. Not a happy camper that day.
-          -Tires (Heidenau K-60 Scouts). I love ‘em! From being afraid to venture off the paved surface, I’ve moved to looking for dirt to play in!

I left Sturgis and headed to Devils Tower in Wyoming. What a powerful place this is! This will be my third visit here and it still moves me. Christine always loved it here too. Here’s some pics:

Chrissy’s view.

I spent the night at the Tower then got up early and hit the road. Ended up staying at Deadman’s Basin in Montana. My first 400+ mile day; my backside still hurts!
Tonight I’m at a cheap motel in Shelby, MT and expect to cross into Canada tomorrow. 10 states (11 if you count going into South Dakota twice) and now, a new country!


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