Monday, May 25, 2015

MC Raven Trip Report 9

MC Raven Trip Report 9
Still no mileage numbers - should be repaired on Friday.

In the Black Hills – back (still) in the rain!

My last report was posted from a motel room in Thedford Nebraska. That was two nights in a row that I’d stayed in motels. The rain and cold weather made camping too much to bear. I would check into the motel then spend the next 2-hours lying under the blanket shivering. As I left Thedford, the day started out cold but dry. So, I continued heading towards my goal of Carhenge in Alliance, NE. Here’s a bunch of pictures of me and Raven the Wonder Cycle at Carhenge. If we ever make it to the real Stonehenge in England we can compare that with this (or this with that if you wish). As you can see from the pictures, the clouds started stacking up again while I was there so, I didn’t spend as much time exploring the place as it deserves.

Carhenge is supposed to be an exact replica of Stonehenge; just made with classic cars rather than giant blocks of stone. I was impressed and am looking forward to finding other henges around the world too.

I ran north from Carhenge towards South Dakota and the Badlands. The previous night I’d seen on the Weather Channel that the Badlands should be rain free – just the place for me! They were rain free, just windy as heck. This part of SD could install a windmill generator every square mile and power the entire nation! Here’s some pics of the Badlands:

Extra points if you can name the movie this is from, complete the line, who said it in the movie and who the saying is attributed to. Ready? Go! (Answers in my next post.)

 Badlands Sunset

I had breakfast Saturday morning at the Badlands Lodge. When I asked the waitress if she’d heard anything about the weather, she mentioned that there was a possibility of snow! Though I’d paid for 4-nights and only stayed for two, I decided to leave before I got snowed in.

By the time I arrived in the Black Hills the clouds had closed in again: couldn’t see Crazy Horse or Mt Rushmore. I did get to explore some and experience some great riding - The Needles Highway: narrow, winding, great scenery – just the way I like ‘em! Even narrow 1-lane tunnels to pass through (2 of them). There’s a reason they hold the Sturgis Rally here in the Black Hills: Great riding! Here’s a pic:

I spent Saturday night in the Horse Thief Lake National Forest Campground. A beautiful, well cared for campground in a terrific setting. My only problem is that – THE RAIN’S BACK AGAIN! The little stream beside my campsite was just about to overflow straight into my tent. I’d had enough. Though I’d paid for two nights and only stayed one, I packed up everything and headed down the mountain to the town of Keystone where I tried to check into the Travelodge. They turned me away. Seems they were afraid that they’d have to evacuate the hotel due to rising water in the river. So, I headed up the hill a couple of blocks to the Super 8 and checked in there. It ended up costing waaay more than I wanted to pay but; dry is worth it! Right now, my room is covered wall to wall with drying camping equipment and clothing. The tent is even in the bathtub.

 A Nebraska Rest Area - They even have WiFi!


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