Wednesday, February 10, 2016

MC Raven Ride Report 39 - Colorful Churches

As you ride through Mexico (and indeed, all of Latin America) you can't help but notice how important and prominent a role the Catholic Church plays in rural life.

Every small to mid-sized town I passed through proudly showed off its church. The church was always the best maintained building in town. Often the focal point of the main square. Usually the meeting place and location for all kinds of special events.

Seeing this I decided to start photographing the churches as though this were a contest. Which town has the most colorful church?  (Don't forget that you can click on these pictures - all pictures in this blog - to enlarge them)

Along the highway from Los Mochis. I know I'm not supposed to feel this way about a church but this one kinda makes me feel all warm inside. Can't figure out why.

Along the Espinosa del Diablo

This picture was particularly hard to get. There was a female dog, obviously in heat, with a large pack of suitors. Every time I tried to snap a picture, one of the dogs would mount the female right in the middle of the frame. You can understand why they need the chain link fence though.

This church was in the town of Santa Catarina (I think). I stopped to take this picture then, discovered a small comedor selling gorditas across the street. It being lunch time I headed over and ordered two from the grandmother doing the cooking: one chicken and one carne asada. The daughter served me the gorditas then disappeared. Within a few minutes a young boy came into the comedor and, after waiting for me to finish my meal, came up and said "Amarillo is yellow." 'Why, yes it is' I replied. "Verde is green." 'Oh, you speak English,' says I. This boy and I spent the better part of an hour pointing at things and naming them and their colors he in English, me in Spanish. It was an absolutely perfect moment of time and, pure chance that I stopped to take this picture.

Scroll down for the winner


Throughout Mexico, the Catholic Church is dominant. I've noticed though, a new church starting to make inroads, especially in Central America. The evangelical church named Luz del Mundo. They seem to have one in every small Central American town. They're always new and very showy. Watch out Catholics, there's a new kid in in town.


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