Monday, November 30, 2015

MC Raven Trip Report 29 - Southern California

I left Jamala Beach Campground and headed on down through Los Angeles. I took the 101 to the 405 to the 5 and, blessedly, didn’t have any major problems. 

I made it to Oceanside and stopped at the harbor to reminisce before jumping back on the interstate and heading to South Carlsbad State Beach Campground where I hoped to spend the night. No such luck: CG Full.

It was getting later in the day and I was hot and tired so, I checked into a Motel 6 which, as near as makes no difference, is located right where the Hadley Orchards store used to be. Too bad, I was looking forward to stocking up on nuts and dried fruit. I was even going to have a date shake. Oh well. Staying at the motel gave me a chance to charge up all my electric toys so I should be able to update the blog pages for a while.

9/30 I woke up early and packed the bike. Tried calling Marzie and wishing her Happy Birthday but the call went to voicemail. I sang the song anyway.

I wanted to go by the AAA and pick up their famous Baja Guide and some maps but, they weren’t open yet so I want to Denny’s for breakfast. While waiting for my food another rider came into the restaurant and walked right up to my table (must be the squished hair that Id’d me). Klaus was his name – he invited me to attend the BMW Owners Association meeting on Sunday morning in San Diego. I feel like I need to be more social so I think I’ll try to make it.

Turns out that AAA doesn’t have Baja Guides or maps anymore (30-miles from the Mexican border and AAA doesn’t stock Baja maps or guides!). So, I headed up the El Camino Real to Eternal Hills Cemetery where I wanted to visit with my Grandmother, Grandfather, Great Grandmother and, Christine’s parents.
Great Grandmother

Father in law

Mother in law

We all had a nice visit (I did most of the talking) and I left a little bit of Chrissy with her parents.
Leaving the cemetery, I headed along the El Camino Real to the Mission San Luis Rey and Chrissy’s high school located on the mission grounds. For a while in the 80’s the school had been turned into a women’s shelter. Now though, it’s a school again: a Montessori school.

I found the hidden garden with the giant goldfish and fountain that Chrissy always spoke of. A lovely, quiet spot. The hummingbirds she’d remembered weren’t there though. I left a little of here there.

After that, I stopped by a Walmart and stocked up on some vittles then, went by a Lowes to buy parts to fabricate some ‘Tool Tubes’ for the bike.

I headed up to Palomar Mountain and spent the night at the State campground at Doane Pond. $28 per night with a Senior Discount! California is pricing its campgrounds right out of the budgets of young families (and old bikers also).

10/1 After visiting the Observatory, I moved my camp to a US Forest Service Campground where my $30 will buy me 4 nights.

The ‘tool tube’ project turned out really well. Now Raven looks like it’s fitted with rocket launchers.
10/5 After spending 5-nights on Palomar Mountain I headed to Escondido where I called lifetime friend Margie.

Lucky I’d spend too much time on the mountain – Margie and Sally had been on vacation for 3-weeks to Yellowstone! I almost missed them!

But, I didn’t. I was able to spend more than a week shopping, dining, visiting and reminiscing. A wonderful time for me. I got the bike serviced and ready for the Mexico trip.

BMW of San Diego! Three Cheers for BMW of San Diego! Beemer riders have a real jewel there! Unlike the previous 2 BMW Dealers I’d gone to, BMW of SD actually looked up the gas pump recall and found out that mine could be replaced under warranty! Saving me $900. Since they saved me so much, I was able to replace the rear brake rotor and pads. Doing the right thing made them money and I’m a happy rider.

Unable to update my 10-year old GPS (Garmin Street Pilot 2610) with the Mexico maps, I finally gave up and bought a new (refurbed) Garmin Zumo 660.

Had to call customer support but, after 2-days, got everything updated and the Mexico maps loaded.
Look out Mexico! Here I come!


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