Saturday, October 31, 2015

M/C Raven Trip Report 24 – Canyons, Canyons and More Canyons

Leaving Fruita CG I headed down SR-12. A great, winding, twisting, up-and-down motorcycle wonderland! Also, bicycles – lot’s and lot’s off bicycles. Frequent viewpoints – I left a little of Christine at one of the most spectacular.

The bike – with its AK plates, stickers from all around North America and all my gear is starting to attract a lot of attention. Many people have admired the tent Michael gave me. Lots of questions about the trip: route, gear, bike, where next. Husbands see me, at my age, and get ideas. Wives remind them that dinner’s waiting.
I came into Utah via the Bonneville Salt Flats and Interstate Highway to Salt Lake City. Not a very pretty ride. Since I came into the South East though, I’ve gone into gorgeous overload.
I spent all of 9/10 riding through Bryce Canyon. It’s every bit as beautiful as Christine promised. I stopped at every lookout and took more pictures than I thought possible. Left a little of Chrissy there too. A person could spend a lot of time riding around southern Utah and not see it all.

Note to all of you over 62’s out there: if you don’t have a Senior Pass for Federal Lands (BLM, National Forest, NPS, etc.) get one! Mine has paid for itself a dozen times this summer. Today, going into Bryce NP they just waved me in without having to pay admission. I expect the same tomorrow at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon (normally a $30 entry fee – free with the pass).
I spent 2 nights at Red Canyon Campground. A great stopover – thanks for the recommendation Jim. It’s close to Bryce and Zion National Parks and, very scenic in its own right. Comfy campsites, flush toilets, $2.00 showers and water convenient to each campsite – all that and ponderosa pines and wonderful sunsets over the red rock canyons.


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