Monday, May 4, 2009

Stuck in Nanaimo

We pulled in here on the evening of May 1 expecting to spend the night and take off for parts north the next morning. Today's the 4th and we're still here.

The high pressure ridge which had been holding over the Canadian Rockies has broken up and wave after wave of low pressure troughs have rolled through. Each one bringing winds, winds and rain, winds rain and thunderstorms with lightning... You get the picture. Winds to 40kts are predicted today and maybe tomorrow with Thursday being the soonest we can hope for a break long enough to head north.

Nanaimo's a pretty good place and we'd be exploring and geocaching our time away here except that, we're at anchor behind Newcastle Island and there is a fetch of several miles to the south/southwest - the direction the winds are coming from. Waves build up along the length of that open space and make our anchorage quite rocky and unsafe to dinghy over to the island. We've been stuck on the boat for 2-days now and are looking at an additional day at least. Stir craziness is beginning to set in "Here's Johnny!" "Redrum, Redrum" (Obligatory Stephen King references.)

The plus side is that Nanaimo has a city-wide Free Wifi Internet Access. It isn't the best baudrate (very slow) and seems to drop you at least a couple of times each session and limits you to 2 hours out of a 4-hour period. But, it's free! It's available! I can blog and email my friends and family! They could email me too!

I've been occupying myself reading and hosting a Terminator film festival (audience of one - Christine doesn't like the Terminator movies). Christine has spent her time cooking scrumptious meals and playing computer games. Both of us are ready to be underway NOW! The Sibs have invented a game of 'steal the chewtoy and run around the boat barking like crazy'. They've had a great time. They like it here.

David and Christine and the Sibs
SV Raven
Juneau, AK

Currently lying
Newcastle Island, Nanaimo, BC


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