Sunday, February 22, 2009

First Complete Month of Dog Ownership

Feb. 02, 2009 - Groundhog Day.
Well, its been a month since we added our new crewmembers. Everyone is
settling in pretty well. They aren't trying to pull our arms out of the
sockets with every walk, and, we're getting more exercise than we ever
did before. For example: last Wednesday Deja had to go in for surgery to
be spayed. We all walked the mile up the hill to the vet's office then
back to the boat with Sonny. Then, Christine and I walked the 3-miles
out to the electric company to start service in the slip at the new
marina we're moving into. Then, of course, we walked the 3-miles back to
the boat. By then, Sonny had been zipped into his crate for a couple of
hours so, we took Sonny for a walk up to the park for doggy relief.
Then, it was 4 o'clock and time to walk back up the hill a mile to pick
Deja up from the vet's. She couldn't walk so (thankfully) we taxied back
to the harbor where at 9 o'clock, we took Sonny out for his evening
walkies. Man are we ever getting whipped into shape.

David, Christine and the Sibs (Sonny and Deja)
SV Raven, Juneau AK

Currently lying: Tied to the dock at Harbor View Marina, Friday Harbor,


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